School Post



朝倉 浩之(あさくら ひろゆき)


朝倉 浩之(あさくら ひろゆき)






Tim と Hideo は、歌舞伎公演の座席を予約するために相談している。 A 及び B の中に、それぞれ入る語句の組み合わせとして正しいものは右のページのア~エのうちではどれか。ただし、右のページの Ⅱ-1、Ⅱ-2は、それぞれ、二人が見ている歌舞伎公演の料金表と座席表である。

Hideo: There are four kinds of seats in this theater. Which kind should we get?
Tim: I want to see the faces of the actors clearly.
Hideo: A are the nearest to the stage.
Tim: I don’t think we can afford them. Wait. There are special tickets for students.
Hideo: OK. Then, let’s choose among them.
Tim: I think B are the best for us. We can sit closer from the stage than the cheapest ones. I think we can afford them.
Hideo: We need 4,000 yen to buy those two tickets.
Tim: Let’s get them.

ア (A) A Seats (B) C Seats
イ (A) A Seats (B) B Seats
ウ (A) D Seats (B) C Seats
エ (A) D Seats (B) B Seats


Seats Price Price for Students
A Seats 8,000 Yen 5,000 Yen
B Seats 7,000 Yen 4,000 Yen
C Seats 5,000 Yen 2,000 Yen
D Seats 4,000 Yen 1,000 Yen


A Seats
B Seats
C Seats
D Seats


Hideo: A are the nearest to the stage.
Ⅱ-2をみるとステージにいちばん近いのはA Seatsだとわかるので、D Seatsの選択肢のウとエを消去します。

次に、Tim: I think B are the best for us.のBに入るのものを探します。
Tim: There are special tickets for students.
Hideo: We need 4,000 yen to buy those two tickets.
の2つをみながら、Ⅱ-1を見ます。Ⅱ-1の中にはPrice for Studentsと書いてあり、4,000円で2人分のチケットとなるのはC Seatsです。残った選択肢アとイのうち、B Seatsが含まれるイを消去します。よって、残った選択肢
ア (A) A Seats (B) C Seats




次の文章は Tim が 家族に送ったEメールの内容である。

Mom and Dad,
I learned about kabuki at school. It started over four hundred years ago, and it has an interesting history. Kabuki is played only by men. Yesterday I went to a theater with Hideo to watch a kabuki play. I didn’t understand what the actors said, but with the help of Hideo, I followed the story. The actors’ faces were painted. I could see their faces clearly. It was very exciting.
While I was watching it, sometimes people in the audience shouted something in Japanese. I thought that was a bad thing to do, but no one looked angry about such people, and I didn’t know why. Later, I asked Hideo about it. He said that those people shout to encourage the actors. The actors get energy from that, and they like it. I thought that was wonderful. I want you to enjoy a kabuki play someday. Next month, I will go with Hideo to a kabuki lesson held by a city theater. I’m looking forward to it. I want to paint my face like a kabuki actor. I’m also interested in kabuki dancing. I think I will enjoy the lesson, and I will write to you again soon.

⑴ このEメールの内容と合っているのは 次のうちではどれか。
ア Tim learned that kabuki has an interesting history in a lesson held by a city theater.
イ Tim painted his face when he went to a kabuki play because he wanted to become an actor.
ウ Before watching the play,Tim knew why some people in the audience shouted something in Japanese.
エ Tim learned that actors get energy when some people in the audience shout something in Japanese.



朝倉 浩之(あさくら ひろゆき)


朝倉 浩之(あさくら ひろゆき)